Eight Tips to Help You Understand How to Raise Ducks
Ducks are wonderful farm animals. They provide eggs, meat, and fertilizer for your garden. If you want to start raising ducks but don’t know where to start, this blog post is for you!
Here are eight tips that will help you understand how to raise ducks from the ground up.
- Choose your breed
The first step in raising ducks is to choose the right duck for you. Most people who want to raise ducks should start with a Pekin, Runner or Indian runner cross because they are hardy and quickly produce delicious meat and eggs. Canadian grown duck are considered extremely healthy, so their methods are also appreciated.
- Choose a location for them
It’s important to find the right spot for your ducks. If you have an existing pond or water source that already has fish in it, make sure the place where they will live is at least 50 feet away from their home because otherwise, they will eat all of your nice big trout and koi!
- Give them a house
Ducks need shelter from the elements and predators. They don’t like to be cold or wet, so they appreciate someplace warm with dry flooring. There are many different types of duck houses available on Amazon.
- Feed them
Ducks do not need to be fed corn. They are omnivores and will eat grass, bugs in your garden, grain (such as wheat), fish/large insects in the water nearby like tadpoles or large grubs and potatoes if they happen to find some.
- Keep predators away
Ducks are easy prey. Make sure to build some fencing around your pond if you have dogs, cats or other carnivores on the property that might want to eat them.
- Have a plan for winter
Winter is coming, and your ducks need to be prepared. If you live in an area where the temperatures dip below freezing, ensure they have shelter with plenty of straw or other insulating material so they don’t freeze to death!
- Breed them
Ducks are social creatures, so you should have more than one of the same breeds. They will look for a mate on their own, but if they don’t find one, you can help speed up the process by taking some fertile eggs and putting them in another duck’s nest (called cross-incubation).
- Watch for disease
Ducks have unique illnesses that can infect your other animals. You should check them regularly for mites and lice, bloated stomach, yellow beak/legs or a lack of energy. If you see any signs of illness, then take them to the vet!
In conclusion: Ducks are an easy animal to raise if you have a pond and the right breed. If you follow these eight tips, your ducks will be happy and healthy!
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